One of the true bonuses of bird watching is that you can literally do it anywhere you happen to be at any given moment. Birds are the most mobile creatures on the planet, so they are basically everywhere doing the usual bird stuff. Which is why bird watching is one of the most accessible hobbies you can take up.
So what is the Great Backyard Bird Count? It is citizen science at its best. Open to everyone, everywhere. Launched and sponsored by The Cornell Lab and Audubon back in 1998, the Great Backyard Bird Count is you, bird watching, recording the species you identify and the numbers you see them in, and providing that information to the sponsors via a smart phone app or your computer.
As the "Backyard" in the name suggests, you don't have to go anywhere special, you can do this at home. Heck, you could do this from your couch. Or you can go to your favorite birding spot and record your sightings there, it is really up to you. To participate you will need to decide where you want to take your count, spend at least 15-minutes once a day over the four days of the count, (in 2023 the count is between February 17-20), identify all the birds you see or hear, and then use whichever tool you prefer to report your sightings. It is that simple.
You are already passionate about birds. Participating in citizen science projects like the Great Backyard Bird Count is one way you can combine your passion with meaningful action. That is a win for you and the birds!